Porcelain and zirconia bridges
If you have one or more missing teeth and need to have it replaced with a new tooth that is permanently fixed in place, a porcelain bridge may be the right solution for you.
Enhance Dental can determine if a porcelain bridge is suitable for you by providing a detailed and thorough assessment with our highly trained and experienced dentists.
Porcelain bridges can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile or help you chew your food with ease. This is because porcelain bridges are often suitable to replace front or back teeth. Porcelain bridges usually last decades with proper care and good oral hygiene.
With the latest technology, porcelain bridges often appear so lifelike that no one can tell!
Dr Joseph Paino, the principle dentist advises “We understand there are many options to replace missing teeth. Porcelain bridges, implants or dentures are often considered if a tooth or teeth are missing and not all options are suitable or desirable for all patients. This is why we take the time to carefully assess your specific needs, the health of your remaining teeth and explain every option you are considering in a way that really makes sense.”
For an informative consultation regarding your individual needs about porcelain bridges including a tailored treatment plan, call our highly skilled and caring team at Enhance Dental on (03)9533-8488.
*Please note, as every situation is unique, the image shown cannot represent a guarantee of outcome. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. ©copyright