Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation
Relax and drift away… before you know it, your dental procedure is done!
Enhance Dental uses advanced dental sedation (‘sleep dentistry’) procedures for those who have a fear or phobia about any dental treatments or require teeth removed, such as wisdom teeth.
Using the latest and safest techniques in dental sedation, we can carry out general, reconstructive, extractions and cosmetic dentistry for patients.
If you have neglected your dental health because of deeply entrenched fears about dental treatment, dental sedation or sleep dentistry could be the answer you have been looking for.
Now you can have dental sedation here at Enhance Dental while you peacefully relax in our modern dental chair accompanied by our highly trained and friendly team.
- Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation Dentistry can reduce anxiety and fear and makes the dental experience comfortable.
- Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation enables busy people to have multiple dental procedures and long sessions some in a single sitting.
- Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation enables your dental treatment to be more comfortable than you ever thought possible.
- Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation enables you to receive the dental care you need.
Questions and answers about dental sedation.
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Now you can receive optimum dental services while having dental sedation (sleep dentistry) and enjoy the life-changing experience Enhance Dental can provide.
We look forward to providing you with the benefits of dental sedation. Please call Enhance Dental on 9533-8488 to consult us about your specific dental requirements and ensure you are suitable to have Sleep dentistry or Dental sedation.
*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. ©copyright