Digital Dental Scanner for Invisalign
No more messy and uncomfortable impressions
Enhance Dental is very proud to offer our Digital Dental Scanner – the latest technological breakthrough. Imagine having dental impressions taken without the need for bulky trays placed inside your mouth filled with gooey impression material that could make you gag.
Our state of the art digital dental scanner from 3 Shape Trios © is a revolutionary way to get the most accurate digitally created 3D models of your teeth. All without the need for gooey dental impressions or plaster models.
Why is it used?
The 3 Shape Trios digital dental scanner is used to create a 3D model of your teeth and gums. This computer model is sent to Invisalign with a prescription from your Enhance Dental dentist explaining how the teeth need to be moved millimetre by millimetre to get your teeth as straight as possible without gaps and a comfortable bite.
How does it work?
The 3 Shape Trios is a hand held device that takes 2000 intra-oral images per second of your teeth. The digital images are stitched together to create a 3D model. The advanced technology creates CAD/CAM computer generated digital models of your teeth and gums in full colour right before your eyes.
The technology uses incredibly precise confocal microscopy and is totally painless, comfortable and very fast. No more need to have messy, sticky impression material that could make you gag or get caught between your teeth.
Does it cost any extra?
No! You pay no extra fees for this amazingly comfortable and accurate technology. This means you you get the best Invisalign results possible with all the benefits as listed below without paying any more.
Is the Trios® dental scanner accurate?
Yes! It is extremely accurate. This means the results Enhance Dental can achieve for you will be the best results possible. In a comprehensive study of Intraoral scanners Trios was found to be the most accurate available. To find out why Trios® is the most accurate dentasl scanner click here
The Benefits of Digital Dental Scanner
- No more messy and sticky impression material caught between your teeth. This saves the hassle of extra clean up and time spent in the dental surgery.
- The process takes less time and is much more comfortable, allowing our patients a much more relaxed and enjoyable experience.
- The 3 Shape dental scanner provides more accurate and detailed digital scans compared to gooey impressions ensuring that you get the best possible results.
- Eliminating the need for bulky trays with sticky impression material means there is much less chance you will need extra appointments for retakes.
- The 3D scanned images are immediately sent to Invisalign via email compared to traditional postage. This speeds up the entire process ensuring you get your treatment plan and Invisalign aligners the quickest way possible.